Sunday, August 30, 2009

What's the problem?

Hmm.. Looks interesting..
Haha.. I knew you'd pick this one up..
Chapter 7- Instinct comparable with habits, but different in their origin.. Hive-bee, its cell-making instinct.. Difficulties on the theory of the Natural Selection of instincts..
Whoa.. You'll just go mad with this..
Pretty cool stuff.. Just 85 bucks.. Damm, I afford it, on a contribution basis..
So?! 'The Origin of Species'.. Instincts.. Hmm.. Maybe you'll find answers to your own problem..
Yeah.. What's my problem? HEY.. WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?!
[Passing of a typical Ranjan look like he fricken knows everything! (Maybe he really does)]

I haven't yet started reading the 85 buck book that I had a crush on in one go but I am already in love with its index. Maybe I will find some answers, 'to my own problem(s)' as my friend points out. Meanwhile, before reading, I thought why not just put a before-after write up here to analyze the changes. LOL, just kidding, of course. But like in the movie Orange County, right now, this book's saying "read me" to me in a loud gorilla voice!

What's my problem?!

At this very moment it definitely has something to do with my instincts as I am totally lost these days. Sometimes I talk something I absolutely have no thoughts about in the deepest corners of my mind. Seconds later I realize I just gave a statement, or a solution, or just a random and obvious treatment to a conversation which miraculously even got accepted and my lonely head didn't even feel it happening. Maybe it's good in a way. Sometimes, I guess, its good to not think but just deliver. But then comes the critical, confusing part when your consciousness lies nowhere near the conversation or even the thoughts inside. What do you do then? You're not making sense to anyone at such a time- not even yourself.

Instincts have always been smooth with me. If we talk about driving, I am nobody even close to being a logic-prone-ultra-careful-and-damn-conscious driver. Logic is so so away from me when I accelerate through a gap or brake right before something really serious. When I drive- yes! I think long after I do- and it works well for me. But at the same time, I guess, life is not about driving.

Mind my language in my blog for the first time but I am fucking depressed. These days, my instincts are just taking over me in every way. So, I might just find solutions to the problems I 've been facing and kind of immediately denying from quite some time.
By the way I started writing this, I think, yesterday or a day before. Right now, I've got much more stuff to write about, so hang on! :)

PS: I'll put the second writeup "after" I get done with the book. Right now, I don't even have it 'cuz a friend just wanted to check it out and I too wanted to just play so let's see what these theories can really help me with.


Susmita Mukherjee September 7, 2009 at 1:17 PM  

Well, I think I have found a new addiction. If Rex's poetry was the true expression of my soul in a language that I have always longed to speak, your post (this one specifically)expresses, quite efficiently, the functioning or the malfunctioning of my mortal mind... Keep it going, pal. About time to clear my image in the mirror!

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