Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Need To O r g a n i z e Oneself

Name: Sandeep Singh
Unused Surname: Saib
Uniqueness in the Name: 0.00002%
Height: Average
Foot Size: Regular
Education: Basic
Interests: This, That etc.

Overall Commercial Value of the Profile: INR 3/-

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Multiple interests won't take you anywhere until all of them are applied.
To earn a revenue by the end of each year against multiple skills one must work out multiple months a year to each interest.

Bad Idea!

Interests, first of all, need to be practically revised.

We're okay to go ahead from here!

Basic, useful, practical, commercially capable interests only.

Multiple months- impractical. Multiple hours each day- practical.

The Key- LOST unless one is supervised by a full-tume hired HR manager.

To organize oneself is important.
It's a mission.
It's a f***ing challenge.
A torturing thought.

Organizing oneself: Part 2


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