Saturday, July 11, 2009

Something about money

You don't think of money. Fine. Nobody likes to talk or think of it because all you get of it is stress and pressure- something we never want to live with.

But there's something about it. Money is a strange thing for sure, whether you hate it or love it or just die for it, wondering, struggling, drooling, hanging by loose bolted handles of buses, rising blood pressures in heads packed in helmets, sitting on sponge leaking motorbike seats. There's something about it. Something about it for sure, that makes people make music with it, that other humans blast in bigger and bigger woofers. It's a competition. An epidemic. Money is everywhere. And it's a hustle to live with a lot or with none of it.

There's something about it that makes water vendors push their 'tubeless' tire karts under raging skies, turns men into organic machines battling with metal, pushes women in cage like buildings and makes everyone stare at them if they try to sneak out, makes people generate codewords with speed of light because laws don't support fast money making. Life is reaching on time and leaving late. Love is calculated. Families are counts of people consuming rations. Friends are black holes, pulling you hard but never letting you get through them.

More money is a slow suicide. You pay today or tomorrow. Even though it brings happiness. Or things that make you feel good. But maybe that feeling good isn't happiness. Because happiness is something you don't pay for. It's free. And yes, even though happyness can only be pursued- that is actually the best part! It's today, not tomorrow when you accomplish a mission or the day after when a halo glows behind your head. It's today, or never.

Happiness is beyond units or measurements!

Something that can't be counted. Something that is still free.

Here's More by Mark Osborne, a stop motion short film that I love like hell: -


chrysalis July 13, 2009 at 9:34 PM  

love the short film too :)

sunny July 13, 2009 at 10:45 PM  

yea even i love it like hell..
cheers to the maker! :)

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