Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Another step

One foot sinking in green water
Other thinking about another step
I think about myself
And everyone I have left

One eye blinks in my memory
Other rules me in the outer world
I need everything I don't have
When I'm to choose I cant make it work

Fearless everyone is but I
Think about our time ahead
Clocks always outrun the mind
But being timeless is another threat

Let's speak it out like we used to
When no hurt stopped us any day
Pain was only physical
Nothing else could hurt us anyway


Woke up in the middle of a dream
Voiceless, thoughtless, suffocated
Escaped everything the whole day
Choice less, pride less, jaded

I am back but back to gravity
That my weightless head pulls me to
Priceless moments are happening
But I lack the fear of losing you

I think I am not sick or infected
I am a pure disease myself
One heart beats when I see sweetness
Other pumps in thoughts I cant tell

One soul moves ahead seeking life
Other keeps looking for another world
Going back is impossible but then
Why going forward just doesn't work


I am not sure if I'll be screaming
Believing I'll be spotted out
Till one day wakes me from dreaming
Relieving me from my own doubts

Will everyone be here or away
I am not sure but I'll be around
Setting up theories and algorithms
I'll move forward till I am found



Ranjan August 11, 2009 at 12:41 PM  

Clocks always outrun the mind
But being timeless is another threat

Let's speak it out like we used to
When no hurt stopped us any day
Pain was only physical
Nothing else could hurt us anyway

Believing I'll be spotted out
Till one day wakes me from dreaming

I'll be around
Setting up theories and algorithms
I'll move forward till I am found

I was going through your recent blogs coz I had seen u type at home... these are the lines that completely got to me... and the ones in bold really got me thinking and just thinking...

wat more to say...u have said it all too well...seems like u put down to words not just what u felt but on my behalf as well...

chrysalis August 11, 2009 at 3:58 PM  
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chrysalis August 11, 2009 at 3:59 PM  

made me speechless... and there are goosebumps all over my body.. brother, you scare me at times...

on another note, simply loved the poem.. it's SUPERB!

sunny August 12, 2009 at 11:56 PM  

thanks guys!
keep reading! :)

Tannu August 13, 2009 at 12:22 PM  

hey brothr!
u 2 gd man... u hv said it all n u hv left all th readers speechless i think.. hv no wrds 2 express wat i feel.. cn only say u ROCK lv u

sunny August 13, 2009 at 6:26 PM  

pls keep reading n commenting! :)

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