Thursday, August 20, 2009

This n That

There's something about this
That that doesn't have
And happiness still lacks
Many things I packed long back

So while I try to have this
I lose that
When I choose to get that
This makes me rethink

If I appreciate this
Someone else will get that
If I analyze that
I am back to nothing

When I think about nothing
And just flow with what I chose
I am beyond this or that
Which still is miserable

There's something about this
And so something about that
For which I still miss
What I still don't have

There's something inside me
That tells me still
Just start from that
And drag it to this


hehehehe.. was just bored..


Tanu August 21, 2009 at 7:25 PM  

you are no less than Chatush! you too can make "theories", just like this one!
Boy! it's all anyone would feel about 'this n that' but won't really think this way, you got my point na? (i hope!)
of course you (i mean anyone) can not have this and that at the same time coz if you WILL then that won't reamin that, it will become this too!
good luck with dragging tht to this :)

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