Saturday, April 24, 2010

Social stuff: Part 1

Socially, problem with marks of people’s achievements is that you can’t talk back to an artist through the product of his art work. Even though initially the whole idea of creating art is to communicate. You can’t pause your video player at your favourite shot, to take some time out to call the production team involved in the project to say, “Damm! You guys just made me cry (for real)”. Socially, you’re just a fan. Mentally you might be a little more or less but the whole point is- society is about delivering- what you don’t deliver, doesn’t even exist.

Significance is a big deal. You did some good while hiding- brings joy to yourself. But ‘social joy’ is a different thing. Sometimes we own nothing joyful or praiseworthy (on a very individual level) still some people get to serve the food better than they can cook. Another chef cries at home thinking why he didn’t take that “extra social” shot to not only get some money, but a whole big lot of credits in the areas of joy (personal and social!), happiness and the areas of general (pointless but great!) celebrations of life.

Stiffness to do right all life long and grow white hair for a cause is one thing. Courage to do small wrongs knowingly to bring yourself That Extra Piece of Joy is another. Life is a cycle, no doubts. I say it’s a ****in Not So Steady Sine Wave!

Emptiness is caused by lack of or excess of deliverance. “OMG I am not known.” “OMG I can’t get lost.” “OMG am I changing with or without someone.” “OMG am I too off the line or too straight on the line?” Confusion barely needs an excuse. “OMG am I saying OMG?” Depression is seeded in us excessively. To sterilize a certain thoughts or parts of mind is an art. Art is to communicate. Artwork that makes one known with a blast makes regular great people harder to communicate back. Life is a cycle. A loop of small uncertain things occurring in different colours and shapes.


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