Wednesday, June 8, 2011

around is the word which is missed when i think of
what i want to be with you
when you're not, it panics; i spin off good things
baby all the warmth we lose
i don't know what plane we've gotten us to
it's cozy but sometimes tight
i knew i am childish n nothing you know's new too
blinded eyes to make things right

sometimes we weigh n hate the fact that our
lives are parted skies
sometimes we were together through whole nights
sometimes we hid from light
sometimes i think some times will turn up
peculiarly bright
sometimes we wait n sometimes we fight
for things to end up right

future's good and so is the past please
forget the lines between
things go crazy n days go shallow
sometimes its all's just right
you come forward n hurt me or i do the honour
will it bring the change
blending thoughts of good, bad, what, when
puzzled n wounded we wait


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